Optimized for backpack use, Voyager 2 has support for two Voyager Network Modules and either ViaSat KG-250X, TACLANE-Nano KG-175N, KIV-54, KG175D or Mini-Catapan HAIPE devices.
All devices are battery-backed using 2590-based UPS with built-in charger.

Voyager 2
Key Features
- Supports two network modules including VoyagerESR, VoyagerSW26G and TRX R2
- HAIPE modules supported include ViaSat KG-250X, TACLANENano KG-175N, Harris KIV-54, GD KG-175D and L-3 TRL MiniCatapan
- 50 W UPS with wide-ranging AC & DC inputs and space for 1 x 2590 battery